After being stranded out at the Brownfiled for what felt like eternity, disappointingly having to cancel our New Orleans gig then a nail-biting will-we-wont-we get the bus back from the shop in time for the next date.. we finally got the bus and drove into the night (with a couple of hours kip under floodlights in a mall car park) then all day to arrive at our Tallahassee gig about 5 mins before we were due to start...
What timing.. we had a great group talk after the presentation with the local folks about their campaign (including fighting coal plants,(and got to meet one of our fellow Rising Tider's great radical mum!).
Next up we headed through Gainesville and visited a fantastic community Gardens project there.
There are plans to build a new power plant in Gainesville too, which has been postponed by the amount of pubic outcry against it.. but still it looms.
The community gardens were started a few years back by the neighbourhood nutrition network, an projects supported by an organics supplier company. but then the garden lapsed.. and then it was taken up by a locals to run it themselves. It is now heading towards being an urban farm to feed the community.
We then headed south again into the warm and a great night at the Florida University in Jupiter. We tried out a few new things that evening and a great new game we developed, and the night went really well our best yet and met a diverse group of locals, students and a radical crew of high school students who were awesome!
While in south Florida went out to visit the site of FPL's proposed West County Energy Center, if it is completed, the natural gas/oil burning, would be the largest power plant in the Florida, contributing around 12 million tons of CO2 a year, and 3500 tons of other hazardous emissions. Local residents have repeatedly been told by FPL that this will be the cleanest, most efficient, burning fossil fuel plant in the country.
But there are several things that they have neglected to talk about: that the plant is located a 1000 feet from the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, home to near 30 threatened and endangered species; that it will demand 6.5 billion gallons of water a year and deep-well inject up to 21 million gallons of wastewater a day; that there are two active rock-blasting mine immediately adjacent to the proposed volatile natural gas plant and pipeline infrastructure... Not only is this fossil-fuel plant a major contributor to global warming, it is a direct threat to the world-renowned Everglades ecosystem and all the species and cultures that depend on this region for life.
Check out their youtube movies on the proposal.
FPL's River of Gas part 1
FPL's River of Gas part 2
After we were done protesting we headed over to the wildlife refuge and saw Alligators! I was so excited.. although squatting on the riverbank taking photos suddenly gave me a flashback to 'that' scene for Crocodile Dundee and I got gaiter fear! We visited a sanctuary there and better than that.. we took out a little row boat into alligator infested water!
Rising Tide have been doing their thing in Austin for the last couple of weeks .. After many a long conference call the tour crew met in person for the first time. Everyone was so different to what I expected! Our beautiful roadshow bus developed major break issues already (hey, who need breaks) and has been in the shop 'till tomorrow' for a week now.. so we've been camped out on 'the brownfield' a reclaimed piece of land near the river that the Rhizome Collective have spent the last 2 years rescuing form being an illegal dump.
The Rhizome Collective run a space which as well as a home, sustainable living in action is also a base for many of the radical projects in Austin..
Somewhere along the line it was thought having the roadshow planning sessions, a big national meet up of all Rising Tide North America and the Earth First! organisers conference all over about a week in the same place would be a good use of time.
The reality was a crazy whirl of meetings that I'm sure will be giving RT a bad name as meeting dorks.. the one that started around me still snoozing in my sleeping bag, which I ended up facilitating without getting up was when I realised it had all gone a bit far.. however great things were achieved.. the main thing sorted is less need for lots of RT meetings - yay!
So to the roadshow.. We have done our first two shows.. one at the fab Monkey Wrench Books
Things got off to a good start, but it will be an ever evolving thing so watch this space..
Random adventure of the week: We really, really wanted to get clean... so a few of us went skinny-dipping to wash in the nearby, only slightly skanky, Colorado River ankle deep in mud with dubious items floating past in the water... only to see some creepy guy dog walking watching us through binoculars.. urg.
And.. I never want to eat another burritos. No offence to burritos.. but there can be to much of good thing.